Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Lower Bucks
Community, Spiritual Growth, Service, & Social Justice
Donate Today!
This online donation portal is for Split Plate and Building Fund only.
All other donations including pledges may be brought to Sunday service
or mailed directly to the office.

Shared Plate Recipient
A safe and supporting environment for individuals with mental illness or addiction disorder and/or homelessness.
They are now a drop-off place for Code Blue participants.
This program provides homeless people a place to be during the day (M-F).
Thank you for your generous support!
Mail checks to: UUFLB at 404 Middletown Blvd, Suite 308, Langhorne, PA 19047
Please write "split plate" on your check memo line.
OR donate online below.
Building Fund
There is no place like home
For more than 50 years UUFLB has had no home to call their own. Now, more than ever, we can see how important it is to have our own building. Thanks to those who have committed to giving on a regular basis and the gifts in honor or remembrance of a loved one, the Building Fund has been steadily moving forward. When the opportunity to rent or buy arises, we must be ready. Now is the time to join the Building Fund Team.
Mail checks to: UUFLB at 404 Middletown Blvd, Suite 308, Langhorne, PA 19047
Please write "building fund" on your check memo line.
OR donate online below.