Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Lower Bucks
Community, Spiritual Growth, Service, & Social Justice

Human connection is vital!
Make new friends and join us as we connect with one another over shared interests.

WeCare Community Outreach
Through our Split Plate collection we donate half to our congregation and half to local, regional, national and global causes. In addition, we give of our time painting, preparing food, sorting clothing, cleaning up gardens and things of that nature.
Here is a sampling of places we have helped:
A Woman's Place, Bristol Food Bank, Family Services of Bucks County, Hope for Ukraine, Doctors Without Borders.
Our goal is to help to make a more fair and just world, and to quote John Lennon, we hope you will join us and the world will be as one.
Email billh.appleton@yahoo.com, bgriga25@gmail.com or rckelly6@gmail.com to join!
Book Club
Join us as we enjoy lively discussions on the books we have read. We read mostly fiction and occassionally non-fiction.
The books are chosen a few months ahead of time and listed in our weekly email.
We meet every other month on the third Sunday at 12:45 pm at our Fellowship Center. We hope to see you there!
Email w.stroup@verizon.net to join!

Gentle Yoga with Joanna
These sessions provide an opportunity to slow down and listen to your body. By joining our movement to the breath we sooth the self, body, mind and spirit. Join us virtually, Monday, Wednesday and Saturday from 9:30-10:30 am, as we come together in community to practice yoga.
Email yogajoywithjoanna@gmail.com to join!

Help raise a little money for the congregation and have fun doing it. For over 50 years we have gathered to play Poker. We meet the first Friday of almost every month at our Fellowship Center at 7 pm for 2-3 hours. Low stakes, nickel, dime, quarter, dealer's choice. Bring your own drink, alcoholic or non-alcoholic and a snack to share. All people over the age of 18 are welcome!
Email mmarq01@gmail.com to join!